Apr 24, 2005 13:01
im going to move on.i'm not going to let the things you say get to me anymore. i have done everything that i can, i want to be your friend and you say you want to be mine...you talk to me but then you leave and tell me to go and fix myself. so obviously just by that you dont want me to be your friend. i have been puting up with that away message for too long and letting it get to me and i know that is what you want but im moving on from it. im not going to let your words get to me and i know if you really want to be friends you wouldnt keep saying things like that and not only that but you would beable to forgive me. i know what i did was wrong and im sorry for that but what your doing is wrong too. it hurts to see those things that you write but in some ways i know that i deserve that but after a long time of that i think your pushing it over the top. so your words will not get to me and if you really want to be friends you will understand where im coming from.