Claims List Mod - Long time no see!

Oct 23, 2008 03:52

Guys, I apologize for my lameness in keeping everything updated. But you know, doing it by myself sucks. This is a massive community. It takes close to a week every time I clean out the claims lists. Also, real life was eating all my energies. And then I didn't have an internet connection for a while.

Anyways, we're going to kind've start over. I've deleted all the comments on the claims list. I mean all of them. Even the recent ones. Comments will be disabled for a few days while I bring everything up to date. No new claims will be taken for the next 5 days. Now, IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A CLAIM AND HAVE BEEN ACTIVE: You need not worry, your claim won't be taken off and you may keep posting.

ATTENTION TO THE OTHER MODS: If you're alive and reading this, please let me know whether you're still interested in helping out here. I noticed back in march allsunday was commenting on the FAQ post and mentioned something about updating everything. You still interested?

To everyone else: If you're interested in helping me, let me know. You MUST have experience in modding an icon community for more than six months. I'll wait a while before deciding anything though, to see if any of the other mods are still interested in raising this place from the dead.

Last note: If anyone comments with complaints or rants about what a shitty mod I've been, you will be banned. Period. I do the best I can.

*mod note

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