Hmmm I was reading over old entries from when I was 16 and I wanna write this quiz again to see how I much I changed from that point.
This is what I wrote before- and this is now
Age? 19
Age you feel? 21
3 words to describe you? Intense, stressed, and confused
3 words to describe how you look? I think I look like a boy, I'm gonna go with a cute one
What are your guilty pleasures? smoking, drinking, reading memoirs late into the night, textmessagin
What's your most traumatic childhood experience? (I'll stay with my last comment) Which fucking one?
Do you love your mother? Heh? which one (this one to)
What's the best way to make a smore? I'm impartial to these disgusting pleasures... marshmallows are freaking gross
Are you a team player? team, does that involve socializing
What do you believe in? were all so strong when nothing's wrong
Have you ever been in love? hmmm I"m a little to screwed up to make this decisionm I'm gonna go with a yes though
Can you describe it for us unexperienced masses to the best of your ability? Knowing that when your around the person you can't decide whether you can't stay still just because you are with them, or lying there without moving so they won't go away.
Can one love a person as just a friend if there is a potential for one to love that same person as more? yep
Who gives you butterflies? crowds, uncomfortable situations, fighting
Do you believe in totally platonic friendship with a member of the preferred sex(es)? yeah
You down with OPP? yeah you know me.
What's your big secret crush? it's kind of obvious, and I don't have "crushes" parsay because I always act on them
True love?: do you think it exists ? usually
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other/associate/sex slave/pig dressed up in a clown suit right now? hmmm. I guess not :( althougg I'm kind of intriqued with the whole pig idea
Do you think people in love should do little things for each other, such as taking it up the ass?: pending how confortable you are with the person, and why not try anything once. although.
Do you consider premarital sex...evil?: hahahahahahah no
Do you consider premarital sex...necessary?: kind of, why be with a person the rest of your life if you don't connect physically.
Give us a hot sex tip?: light's off you can imagine another person<<<< I wrote that before and that's fucking terrible. No sex secrets, maybe cornfeilds could be fun...
How hot is Axl Rose?: hehe, empire records
Are you the stonin'/shootin'/smokin'/snortin'/swallowin' type?: drugs are bad. That is all.
If so, what's your drug of choice?: Mushrooms
What's your best drug story?: how about worst story? It's gotta be skateboarding in Vancouver w/ kelly. Or any wreck beach experience. Plus the alcohol poisoning crack head ordeal.
If not a junkie, what's the best drug story you've heard from one of your stupid, substance-addled dumb stupid friends?: To many to say .
And if not, are you high on life?: no
Do you enjoy and/or frequently imbibe alcohol?: for sure, I'm all about be rowdy
What's your favorite type, be it a cocktail or beer or what have you?: Lot's of thing? wisers buddy wisers.
Have you ever used a hose or a funnel to drink?: no thats lame, I wrote I did before, but if I did then I don't remember
Have you ever used the chunnel? hmmm that sounds sexual
Christianity?: I respect all religions
Racism?: hmmm no
Globalization?: I'm fairly against the countries trying to do it, westernizing the world in our ideals, although sometimes all in good intentions, never something I am okay with
Marriage?: of course
Vegetarianism?: Totally a vegetarian, meats fucking gross
Showtunes?: when I was younger I used to belt them out while mowing my lawn, for some reason the neighbourhood kids disliked me
The possibility of extraterrestrial life?: at the moment does it really matter
The possibility of an omniscient being?: hmmm
Filosophimacal conversashun?: usually goes better when sober, apperently this guy was drunk when writing that though
The abject moral decay of American society?: everyday now
Sleepaway camp?: I liked horse camp
Having nipples surgically added for entertainment purposes?: on my forhead when I become rich
Cherilyn's new hydrangeas?: lemme guess, you drink from the chunnel don't you.
Predestination or free will?: both, destination, but no fate
Monotheism or polytheism?: Poly
Buses or trains?: Busses rock the casbah
Too many friends or too many enemies?: to many friends
Fucking or making love?: hmm, depends on the person, anyone I want to sleep with right now, (the whole one person) making love
No ketchup for the rest of your life or constant Gloria Estefan?: hmmm I'll take both
Windsurfing champion or world class hot dog eating contest grandmaster?: windsurfing champion
Tori Amos or clawing your eyes out with shards of glass?: tori amos
Kenny G or being beaten with your own spinal column?: I like kenny g
Being rigidly married to an electrical snowman or being forced to eat live ants? exactly what would either ensue
Quote? * dance like no ones watching
Advice? what you think you know, you don't, what you feel is where you should be
Advice for someone you don't like? don't slide naked down a cheesegrater
Movie? but I'm a cheerleader
Hand gestures? always
Activity to do on a rainy day? Frolicking in the rain, driving around, reading
Activity to do with other people? dance, talk, chill
Activity to do anytime? text message
Board game? totally monopoly
Have you...
Seen a 'ghost': why is it " "'d
Ejaculated in someone's eye: I wish, that'd be the best drunk sex story every, damn femaleness
Have you tried:
caffeine: I've worked at tim hortons for almost four years.
alcohol: Yep
tobacco: 1 pack of export "A" medium regulars every day
marijuana: I used to an insanely lot but I don't toke anymore
cocaine: Been in a room where people were making it and got high off the fumes
PCP: Laced shit of weed
DMT: Only on Thursday's
dextromethorphan: No thank god
heroin: All this laced weed
morphine:I'm very against morphine