Feb 03, 2004 21:57
well, I realized to day that lists are so much more damn easy than making a post, and tell how you're really feeling at the moment, (through content and whatnot) so without any further ado
The list of the (little) things I love about my life
-veganaise and pita bread
-eating pickles while driving
-so sure I'm gonna crash the car and then miraculously don't
-vcr tape demonstrations
-talking until four o clock in the morning just because
-phone call conversations that don't suck
-dancing around to "shut up" with forty year old iranian women
at work
-being molested at work
-driving with Li for no apparent reason or destination
-Bus rides where I get to sit alone
-driving the cube van
-buffy fests
-ferry rides
-long conversations with Li
-Joking aorund with Li
-Living with Li
-The fact that I have to shifle through like 100 names of Li's in different circumstances, and when I fuck up they all know who I'm talking about anyways
-attempting to steal shit back
-the feeling of accomplishment I get whenever I finish homework
-drinking five glasses of milk at my dads house
-seeing my dog
-going to the bar and dancing like an idiot when I'm ridiculously drunk
-getting random chicks phone numbers
-listening to freakishly folk music full blast in the car
-random trips to Van
-getting an adbuster mag and reading it cover to cover, realizing I understand it all
-the prospect of tutoring Tina in math (gotta love it)
-A full fridge
-The tiny vegan restaurant on commercial which plays catpower all the time
-crazt trips to American eagle
-summer time nights
-million dollar boats
-hackey sacking
-Picture taking
-realizing how ridiculously much I am a homebody
-The prospect of M getting her boobs plastered
-Knowing people miss me
-getting stoned cause I'm stupid
-Playing with fucking stethoscopes (pink ones)
-being strong
-msn conversations with AJ that don't suck
-listening to my discman and zoning
-my shitty half hour break
-listening to brutal music at work
-chilling out with Nat and debaing with some old dude for like a year on history and politics of the east
-the diversity of this dity
-Old Iranian women (all of them)
-chilling out in a park
and that's all for now, there is more but I'm sure you are all getting bored.