I made a tutorial to show my newest technique. I hope it's of use to someone.
NOTE This tutorial is NOT meant ot be followed exactly. Pick up little things and develop you're own technique from it. If I see a bunch of icons running around that look like mine I'll...inflict some kind of harm on you K?!...K!!
On to the tutorial. we will be going from This
to This-->
So before we begin, I use Photoshop CS, but it should be easy to translate into other programs. It requires some knowledge of PS or PSP though.
We start with the original Image found
HERE Crop it and sharpen to get this -->
Here comes the complicated part. We're gonna use the levels tool K? so go to Image>adjustments.levels and mess around with the sliders on the bottom Like I do for almost every icon. My input levels for this icon are 25, 0.58 and 208. you should get this -->
See how its all...uglyfied and ...WAY too sharp?? well we can't have that so we're gonna whip out the handy dandy blur tool, opactiy at 60% and Blur her face EXCEPT FOR her eyes, eyebrows, lips and nostrils... (tip: when bluring I ALWAYS zoom in to about 500 or 600% and then blur. it's always easier)
Now we should have this -->
weee almost done. Next we take this light texture from
lvlwing and paste it. set it on linear dodge and you should have this-->
annd I'll stop there =D
Anyway I hope this helped someone. Comments are always welcome =D
And again, PLEASE don't copy this tutorial exactly. it's meant for inspiration for new ideas and techniques that you can combine with your own existing techniques to create your own individual style.