Mod Post

Jul 07, 2011 01:51

Hi. Your mod here. :)

Potentially we could have a lot of fun here at iconcritic, but so far there hasn't been that much activity and 'not much activity' to me equals 'something's not quite right ( Read more... )

!mod posts

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rocketgirl2 July 7 2011, 04:45:24 UTC
In truth, I kind of preferred the way you had it before - where we just had to be inspired by the previous icon.
I would still enter, but I haven't had time lately. ):


neke July 7 2011, 14:22:42 UTC
To be honest, I prefer the 'inspired by' as well, but I'm already doing that at nexticon. On the other hand, here there's the added option of asking for concrit...
I might put it to a poll.
Thanks for your input! :)


neke July 7 2011, 14:25:31 UTC
By the way, can I unscreen your comment?


rocketgirl2 July 7 2011, 16:32:41 UTC
Sure thing. :)


neke July 7 2011, 16:36:23 UTC
Thanks. Done. :)


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