Round 6B

Oct 04, 2011 22:57

Welcome to the first challenge under the new direction of this community.  Since it's my birthday this month, I thought a celebratory theme would be nice.

> create one new icon using one, two, or three of the 'prompts' provided below.  note:  if you opt to use your own image, only stock images are accepted.
>if you post an icon you must vote in the poll for this challenge
> submit your entry, image and URL, to the community as a comment to this post
> you will be asked to post concrit during voting
> links to some concrit guides: here - here - here - here
> you can post one icon for this challenge
> your icon should be: 40 Kb or less, 100x100 or less, .gif, .jpg or .png
> the use of png is encouraged - why?
> no animation, all other techniques okay, e.g., texture, text, blending, etc.
> voting will be posted November 19th at 23:59 CST (countdown), or shortly thereafter
> questions?  post them here in a comment

Technical Prompt:  Bright Colors
Theme:  Celebration

Note:  Normally, I will provide only one or two images.

Deadline changed 11/06/11

I hope you have fun with this.

!round b challenges, round 6b - celebration

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