Can you fit this Whole Elephant into a Jewelry Box ?
Without changing it's size?
~ How to Put this Elephant into a 100x100 box.
~ * Open a *NEW* Image.
~ * File---->New image ...
~ * Size it, 100 width by 100 height
~ Next
~ * Open Large Texture image...(this can be almost anything.)
~ * Select-----> *Select all*
~ *Select all* is your best friend.
~ * Then with your *Move Tool* drag the selection to your 100x100 box.
~ That's it.
~ Now you have a giant picture in a small box, move it around.
~ You can get at least 50 different textures from one picture.
~ Where ever you place it then save the finished pic, that is where it will be.
*More textures to try...*