Icon table generator update!!!

Oct 06, 2008 20:04

(OT; posted with etoilepb's one-time permission.)

First of all, the generator has a new home - two of them, in fact! - because my hosting's gone.

@ morning-songs.com, kindly provided by summertea
@ roseclear.net, kindly provided by another_myself

(MUCH hugs and thanks to you guys! Also, another mirror should be added soonish.)

Secondly, I added (better late than never, I guess...) an option to put the icons in a div instead of a table. I recommend you use that option. The table-based layouts are pretty and neat and all, but they CAN break layouts/flists. Without going into technicalities, this can happen if the number of icons you're posting is not divisible by the number of icons you choose to have in a row (e.g., 29 icons in rows of 4). The div-based layout is much safer to use.

That's all! Change your bookmarks, report any errors! (There shouldn't be any, but, you never know.)
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