Make icons of this style
In Photoshop CS2.
Start with a blank canvas of 100x100 pixels, flood-filled with a black colour.
Open the picture you want to put in the icon and downsize it to fit the icon. I reduced this picture to 40% of its original size, but it will vary depending on how big your image is.
Add a gradient map adjustment layer to the image to make it black and white, then flatten the image.
Copy and paste the image onto the 100x100 canvas.
Your layers pallette should now look like this.
With 'Layer 1' selected, click the 'add layer mask' button at the bottom of the layers window.
Your pallette should now look like this.
Select the brush tool, and, using a 20px round brush, begin to paint over the parts of the picture you do not want in the icon. For some parts, you may want to zoom in and use bigger or smaller brush sizes. When you're done, you should have something like this.
In order to move Billie and David's faces around the icon separately, I right-clicked the mask of the layer with the picture in a selected 'Apply Layer Mask'. Then I used the Marquee tool to select the half of the icon with Billie in, and cut and pasted it into a new layer.
Once you've moved the picture around to your liking, you can add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer if needed and any brushes or text you desire.
And you're done!
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