The icon was made in psp7 and uses curves and chanel mixer.
the icon was part of
THIS batch.
waryoucantwin prepare your base
firstly duplicate it and set the layer to softlight at 100%
however! some images may not need this step and others may need the oppacity lowerd.
make a new curves layer.
new point
RBG: input: 75, output: 130
make a new layer and fill this with a light grey.
I used #C0C0C0 set this layer to multiply at 100%
make a channel mixer layer, setting:
Red: 131, -68, 0
Blue: -40, 103, 100
now make a copy of all the current layers, copy merged and paste it ontop set it to soft light 100%
finally duplicate the previous layer and set it on screen 100%
(this layer is optional, I used it on this icon but didn't on others)
duplicate the curves layer, bring it to the top and adjust the opacity (mine is on 40%)
hope the tutorial works for you!
comments are loved :D
other icons;