Made in PS, including a little bit of selective colour
(this result isn't hugely different without it)
PSD included
Take your base
and prep it. I screened mine.
//Step 1
New fill layer #880126 set to colour burn 10%
//Step 2
New curves layer
BLUE: input - 0; output - 40
Set this layer to soft light.
//Step 3
New colour balance layer
SHADOWS: +16, 0, +2
HIGHLIGHTS: -21, 0 , +41
//Step 4
New selective colour layer:
REDS: -27, -15, -9, 0
YELLOWS: +18, 0, -9
NEUTRALS: +15, 0, -11, +2
//Step 5
New curves layer
GREEN: input - 70, output - 67
new point: input - 185, output - 194
BLUE: input - 204, output - 184
//Step 6
Hue & Saturation layer
RED SAT: +25
And you're done!
.PSD here Other icons similar to this at my new community
waybacktosea and I'm also looking for some people to join me so you can apply