My First Tutorial...

Jul 21, 2006 21:27

Well, this is my first ever tutorial, so here goes!


Note: I use Photoshop Elements 4.0, but it should be easily translateable to other versions of Photoshop. I'm not sure about PSP or other programs.

First, we start with this image. I cropped it and everything to prepare it (sharpening, lightening, ect. Just do as needed. I assume you all can handle this)

Create a new layer on top of 'yer base, and paste this pattern on:

Set this to "lighten" and play around with the opacity until you get something like this:

Now, that's kinda plain and boring, huh? So I applied a gradient map. I just picked one that Photoshop came with and set it to overlay. I usually pick a random gradient, set it to overlay, and then pick the one that looks best. You can screw around with the colors and stuff if you like. You'll end up with something like this:

Finally, that white space in the upper left corner looks kinda blank. So I used a brush I got...somewhere o.o Since I forgot where *Is shot repeatedly*, I'm uploading it for you. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS BRUSH. If it IS yours, please tell me! So it is .
But I used the eyedropper tool and got some colors to put the circles there.

And viola! That's it!

Rather simple, but it looks VERY cool.

Use an image with a white or easily cleared background! It really works for the effect. Any other background will show up dotty, and you can't put the circles in nicely.
Use a HIGH quality image, of course. It looks crisp and clear.
You can erase the parts of the circles that cover the base image. It looks better that way.
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