GIMP: selecting, cropping.

May 23, 2006 11:14

This is driving me deranged. I've made my way through my icon-making babyhood using Paint.NET and now GIMP is scaring the heeby-jeebies out of me.

So: I've managed to grasp how to paste an image. Go me. What I can't work out now is how to select areas and crop. Every time I use what I think is the selection tool, it just moves the whole image across the page, instead of drawing a nice selection box ... And what's with the cropping options? Autocrop? Zealous Crop? Where's the NORMAL cropping tool? At least, those may BE the normal cropping tools - I can't tell, as I haven't figured out how the f they work.

For any possible helpers' reference: when I try to select things, I'm using the "select rectangular regions" tool in the top right of the toolbox thing.
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