Go fom this
to this
1.Crop your base(Pic credit:
Stakes&Stones )
2.Duplicate it twice and set the first copy to Screen at 48%,and the second copy to Soft Light at 54%.Then take your sharpen tool set to around 20% opacity,and on the Soft Light layer click on whatever part of the icon you want to stand out more (in this case Rose and the Doctor).
3.Create three new layers.Fill the first with #FCF176 and set it to Darken at 30%.Fill the second layer with #83B5FF and set it to Dodge at 22%.Fill the third layer with #00FF00 and set it to Burn at around 25%.
4.Duplicate your Soft Light base copy and drag the it on top of your Burn layer.Go to Adjust>Hue and Saturation>Hue/Saturation/Lightness and desaturate your top layer by 41%.Set it to Hard Light at 16%.
5.Create two new layers.Fill the first one with #FD8F8F and set it to Dodge at 8%.On the second one draw a dot in #00FF00,go to Blur>Gaussian Blur and set Radius to 12,00.Set the layer to Screen at 94%.
6.Create a new layer and fill it with white.Add this brush by absolutetrouble.com in black and set the layer to Lighten.
7.Add some text (I used 10 pt Problem Secretary Normal) and you`re done :)