Simple Tutorial

Jan 08, 2006 17:36

 in PS CS2.

 Crop your base and sharpen it as much as you need to.

 Duplicate your base and put a 1.0 gaussian blur on it, set to hard light.

 Paste in this gradient
 by me, on saturation. Create two new layers. Flood fill the first layer (closest to your base) with #ffcf8b and set on multiply. Flood fill the second one with #00032a and set it on exclusion.

 Paste in this gradient by me
 on lighten. Then paste in this
 (we'll call it a thingy XD) by me on lighten. Duplicate your base and bring it above all the layers and put it on soft light at 30%.

 Merge visable and copy a section of your icon. Paste it on one side then add a white border of about 5 px. The add text and you're done. x)

If you have any questions, please ask. And I would love to see what you've made.
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