unwanted letter spacing

Oct 11, 2015 15:03

For a few days now whenever I use the text tool it creates spacing between the letters. I was playing around with text last week so I'm sure I hit the wrong button somewhere, I just don't know which. I'm using Photoshop Elements 13.

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program: photoshop

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basilxhallward October 11 2015, 21:32:15 UTC
I don't think it's kerning if it's all the letters. It's probably the tracking. It's in the same place as kerning. I'm not super familiar with elements but it should be an A and V with an <---> underneath. Highlight the text and set it back to auto and see if that helps.


gallaghers October 11 2015, 21:42:52 UTC
To be honest I don't think I even have kerning in Elements so I'm not sure what it is. This is what the tool bar looks like for text

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basilxhallward October 11 2015, 22:11:44 UTC
Hmm. Is it in all fonts or just the one? Sometimes the built in letter spacing is large on purpose and that's the way it's meant to be. If not see the carat drop down on the right? Check to see what the options in there are or if one of them is inadvertently checked? I set mine to all caps all the time in other programs and then forget.


gallaghers October 11 2015, 22:18:15 UTC
It's all fonts. The drop down is just to reset the tools to their default, which I did both there and under preferences but it did nothing.


basilxhallward October 11 2015, 22:23:50 UTC
I'm sorry then, I have no idea what the solution is. Hopefully someone comes along who has a better understanding of the program.


gallaghers October 11 2015, 22:53:37 UTC
I ended up just reinstalling the program and it's back to normal, but it still would've been nice to know the problem for future reference.


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