Gif help

May 22, 2013 21:34

I have looked through this community a million times, plus I checked tumblr and I can't seem to find
an answer as to how to make gifs 40 kb and still HQ or at least acceptable. I've tried almost everything I've read
everywhere so far but im not able to make the icon size smaller and now I am stuck =="

So, yes as a beginner I didn't really know much and when I first made the gif following
a tutorial from tumblr I managed to come up with this:

So I thought that was good and I resized it,

Then I was shocked by how big the files were and then read a couple
questions and tuts and they all said cut down frames so I did that,

Still not small enough, so I went and I checked again and someone said
Put some text in there a texture or something bring the size down so I did

And now I am stuck. I can't obviously cut down colors since I tried and it becomes horrendous.
This is at 10 colors, since above that it's above 40k, but seriously?

Now I am at 144k and I don't know how to go down further. I've read one tut that
had 30 frames and was ok, I'm down to 20, but I can't cut down any more,
What am I supposed to do?

Thanks for your help :)

animation: animated gifs, animation: file size optimisation

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