Adjustment layers and propagate frame one not working.

Mar 22, 2013 19:25

Hey guys! I'm using PS CS5 extended, and I'm suddenly having a bit of a problem with adjustment layers for gifs. For months, I was able to drag several adjustment layers into a new image, and the layers would alter all frames. So, a vibrance adjustment, for example, would make ~every frame more vibrant.

Now, for some reason, when I drag the adjustment layers over, they only alter a single frame. I was under the impression that adjustment layers altered all layers beneath it, but for some reason that's stopped happening. :/ I haven't changed any preferences - although I guess I must have, and somehow not noticed.

Also: yes, I can select all frames, and then check the visibility icon for each adjustment layer. But I'm very frustrated, because I ~didn't have to do that before, and now I suddenly and inexplicably do.

"Propagate frame one" is selected. But even if I just make a new adjustment to the first frame, it ~only~ alters the first frame. I also have "unify layer visibility" checked, as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm at the end of my tether.

program: photoshop, animation: animated gifs

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