1st Tutorial

Jun 20, 2011 17:05

Hi, I'm new here, this is my first time posting. Hope everything is okay.

Go from this
to this

For this icon I am using GIMP, it is very easy and therefore probably translatable.

Step 1

Take your image and crop it, then resize to 100x100. Next copy the image twice, set the first one on soft light and the last on screen- then merge the layers. It should look something like this:

Step 2

Next I used the white balance tool (colour-auto-white balance) and then sharpened the image. I then used the blur tool to smooth the skin and the sharpen tool to make Finn's eyes look a bit brighter. Then I used the dodge/burn tool set on dodge all over the icon.

Step 3

Next is the colouring.

(set to soft light 23%) =

(set to soft light 25%) =

(set to overlay 37%) =

Step 4

Next gradient and light texture (gradient made by me, can't remember who made the light texture, if you know let me know so I can credit them)

(set to overlay 100%) =

(set to screen 84%) =

And that's it!!
Hope it was easy to understand, if anything is unclear just ask and I will try my best to help :)
Also I would really like to see anything you make!!

colouring: miscellaneous, program: gimp

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