Colouring Tutorial

Jul 02, 2010 21:16


Using: Photoshop CS3
Difficulty: Easy
Translatable: Yes but there is an optional selective colouring step
PSD: Yes

I loved this colouring so much that I felt like sharing it :) I made this while I was making icons in preparation for re-reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone with hp_commonroom .

Okay so first we are going to sharpen our base by duplicating it and going to Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask and setting it to 80%, then merge it with your base.

Okay now I am going to darken it using a Levels layer so go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels and I am going to type in: 20, 0.80, 239. As you can see there is more tones to the icon now.

Now I want to lighten it using a Curves layer so go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves and I am going to type in: RGB: 153 105 Red: 128 119 Green: 117 124 Blue: 123 131. As you can see it is lighter but I have also added colour to it :)

Now this step is optional because every icon is different but for me I want to brighten up the colour of Harry’s shirt by using a Selective Colour layer. So go to Layers>New Adjustment Layer>Selective Colour and type in Yellow: -30% +23% +40% +100% Magentas: +100% +100% -100% +100%

Now finally to brighten it up one last time go to Layers>New Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast and type in +42 +12

There done, hope you enjoyed it :)

Please redirect comments here at nicole_graphics

PSD here

colouring: miscellaneous, program: photoshop, colouring: curves, colouring: selective colouring, tutorial: colouring

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