(no subject)

Jun 07, 2010 12:47

Learn to go from:


Program: Photoshop CS5
Difficulty: Easy to medium
Translatable: To older PS definitely & probably to Gimp + PSP

First, I started with this cap of Bakura from Kokoro no Naka.

I cropped it down & slid it to the left, since I wanted a hunk a empty space. I then sharpened my base using Unsharp Mask, because that tends to look better & less choppy. I filled in some of that space with a light blue, blurred slightly. It looks weird now, but I'm going to cover that space in textures, so it'll provide some subtle color differences later.

Next, some color layers! A layer of #f6989d and one of #fff899, both with the blend mode set at Soft Light. Finally, one of #7da7d9, with the blend mode set to Color Burn. These tend to look good with screen caps from anime & fan art, but I mess around with them slightly for each icon until I find what I want.

Now for all the texture work! WHEE. Lots of fun happens here~ First, This texture by sanami276 on dA, moved around and set to screen. I try not to have TOO many white grungy bits; just enough for them to show up without taking over the whole thing.

Then, another texture by sanami276, set to Soft Light. I also partially erased a bit of the left side of it to show Bakura's face better & not have the random Chinese characters in the way. This gives the icon some color variation.

Next, the first in a large amount of light textures. I unfortunately have lost where this one originally came from, though. It's set to Screen at 70% opacity. I use tons of light textures because I like shiny things. Really XD

More light textures! This is one of my favorites by ianthinae. I rotated it and moved it, then set it to Screen. Again...shiny things. I only wanted a little bit of it though, because too much would take over too much of the icon.

Next comes another one of my favorite light textures, which is from sanami276 (again. lovely resources there, really). It's rotated & set to Screen at 80% opacity. I'm starting to build up the textures on the far right hunk of empty space.

Another from ianthinae. Again, rotated & I erased a bunch of the middle of it. I do that for a lot of textures, especially the light ones. Never be afraid to modify textures!! I sometimes change the colors in mind or twist them around with the Free Transform tool.

Now for more scratchy textures & another one where I lost source. Oops. I took this texture, inverted it, moved it around a bit, and set it to Multiply. Inverting grungy textures can give some different spiffy effects.

Almost done, actually :O Next up is a texture from blooming_art, set to Multiply. This darkens the icon up some & gives that big red splotchy bit in my empty space.

Another light texture by sanami276, rotated & moved so there's just a bit of it on the far right & set to Screen. It's hard to see it, but it gives a subtle bit of blue green light to the right.

And finally, this texture by urbanstrokes, moved around and set to Multiply. I absolutely love this texture and it's how I darken most of my icons without just using plain colors.

That's all! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll answer to the best of my ability :D Also, if you want to know how I made any of my other icons, ask away!! I'm definitely up for writing more of these~

colouring: miscellaneous, program: gimp, program: photoshop, anime & manga: colouring, tutorial: colouring, program: paint shop pro, graphic effects: textures

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