Opening animated GIF in PS3

May 20, 2010 20:44

I'm fairly certain this has been asked before, but I couldn't find a reference in the memories. Mea culpa if I overlooked it somehow...

I'm trying to open an animated .gif in PhotoShop CS3. It gives me a warning about this being an animated file of which I can only view one frame and that any changes to it will result in loss of information.
No big deal; I've seen the warning before and it never made a difference. In this case though, I actually only get 1 frame/layer...

Things I've tried that didn't work:

- Changed image mode of the opened image from Index to RGB
- Used 'Open As' instead of 'Open' (and subsequently tried every file format that seemed even remotely likely to work
- 'Import' command

The file opens without a hitch in good ol' ImageReady (so the file isn't corrupt either), so if nothing works I can still use that, but I'm at a point now where I nééd to find out what the solution to this is, or go crazy with annoyance! ;)

basics: image file formats, program: photoshop, animation: miscellaneous

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