(no subject)

Apr 18, 2010 01:54

How to turn this image into this:

Photoshop CS3
Intermediate level
Selective coloring included

1. Crop and sharpen your image however you see fit. For the original image, I cropped it to 100x100 and used an unsharp mask filter with an amount of 15% and a radius of 2.5.

2. Add a curves adjustment layer with the following settings (output/input):
RGB -- 58,90 and 192,192
RED -- 52,87 and 189,181
BLUE -- 72,72 and 160,180

This step darkens the colors surrounding our subject while adding more depth to the colors of the subject itself.

3. Add a color balance layer with the following settings:
MIDTONES -- +45, -26, 32
SHADOWS -- -29, 24, 30
HIGHLIGHTS -- 12, -6, -9

This helps makes the colors bolder and darker without losing the brightness of the image.

4. Add a selective coloring layer with the following settings:
RED -- 100, 0, 100, 0
YELLOW -- 0, 100, 100, 100
CYAN -- 100, -100, -100, 100
NEUTRALS -- -50, 15, 100, -25

This steps brings out the colors more and adds in more depth to them.

5. Add another selective coloring layer with the following settings:
RED -- -45, 35, 100, 10
YELLOW -- -30, -30, 100, -15
CYAN -- 0, 0, 0, 100
NEUTRALS -- -40, 20, 30, -20

This steps brings out the coloring even more.

OPTIONAL 6. Using the color #2f2324 add some text using the font arial narrow at size 10 and boldface. Merge all your text layers together, then rotate counter-clockwise just enough to be at the same angle as the subject. Set your merged text layer to overlay. Duplicate that layer, then lower its opacity to 50%.

7. Merge all your layers, then use auto-levels and auto-contrast. You're done! :)

program: photoshop, anime & manga: colouring, colouring: colour balance, colouring: selective colouring, tutorial: colouring

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