Lucky Star Icon Coloring

Apr 09, 2010 21:34

After making a batch of Lucky Star icons, a few friends asked for a tut. I decided to share this with you, as well. This one is a simple, 3-step process. I use Paint Shop Pro, but it can be done in Photoshop also.


Step one! Find your base. ^___^ I used screencaps from We'll start with this:

If the image needs sharpened, do so. I didn't sharpen mine. The next step is to add a dark blue exclusion layer. I used #0a0a30, set to Exclusion at 100%. Now we have this!

Next, I brightened the icon with a beautiful coral pink (#e76c79) and set that layer to Overlay at 100%.

Last but not least, to tone down the hue, I added one last layer of blue, #b8dff4, and set it to Multiply at 40%.


colouring: miscellaneous, program: gimp, program: photoshop, anime & manga: colouring, tutorial: colouring, program: paint shop pro

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