(no subject)

Jan 23, 2010 14:43


Made in Photoshop 7
Translatable?: No, has selective coloring
Difficulty: Easy ^^

1. First off, if you think your icon is blurry, then duplicate your base, and sharpen it. Now change the opacity according to your icon (I put my opacity to 47%). This will make you in control on how sharp you want your image to be.

2. Now for some instance color to her face, just use Hue/Saturation:
Master Saturation: 24

3. To add some blue, just make a new fill layer, and fill it with 0B0F38 and set to Exclusion 100%

4. If you think it looks a little too faded, then duplicate your base, and set it to softlight 100%. This will also add contrast.

5. To add a bit of pink, then make another fill layer, and this time fill it with FDE1FA and set to multiply 100%

6. As you can see, the pink is a bit to dark for the face. So to brighten it up, use Curves:
RGB: Input: 109 Output: 131

7. To make the whites of her dress, and her face appear brighter use Color Balance with these settings:

Midtones: -16,-3,8
Highlights: -29,0,0

8. Now for selectiving color, it's just to bring out some of the reds:
Reds: -19,0,6,-4
Yellows: -47,-13,2,-16
Whites: 19,8,-14,-18
Neutrals: 15,6,7,-10
Blacks: -29,-13,-4,0

9. This is optional, but add this light texture:

(I don't know who made this, sorry!)
and set to screen 61%. This brings more attention to her face.

And that's it! :D

PLEASE redirect comments here @ pinky_place

Other Results:


program: photoshop, colouring: curves, colouring: colour balance, colouring: selective colouring, tutorial: colouring, colouring: saturation, graphic effects: textures

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