Tutorial # 3 - Bathing in the the Sunset ~

May 18, 2009 00:16

Learn how to make


Difficulty: Easy !
Translatable: no sorry ><"" includes selective coloring ^^"

Yo !
yep one more tut ^^ i was trying to make this great coloring, so i originally made this with another icon
but it didn't turn out great ><""
so i tried on a different one and violla ! something i never thought i'd be able to make came up
and i just had to make a tut ^^

So enough with the chit-chatter and let's get started !

Step 1: get your base and sharpen it

this is mine ^^

Step 2: Well the first thing we need to do is brighten up those colors so we can work with them
So open an hue/saturation adjustment layer and input master saturation to +32

wee ~

Step 3: Ok lets get the colors rolling ^^
first we need to kick the reds, yellows, whites and neutrals in this picture and make them stronger than what they are now (flashier)
New selective color adjustment layer and input these values:
Reds: -100, +23, +100, +37
Yellows: -24, 0, +54, +44
Whites: +48, +22, -22, +54
Neutrals: +12, 0, +39, +12
Blacks: 0, 0, 0, +100

ahh much better ^^

Step 5: Now, i don't know why this icon reminds me of sunset. So i decided to enhance the sunset factor of the icon and give the overall feeling of sunset
New fill layer and fill with #002753 at Exclusion 21%

beautiful ~

Step 6: Ok got the feel i want, but not quite ^^"
i want the colors to be a bit more saturated and more to the yellowish/orange side while what i have now is more on the pink side plus i want whatever is blue or cyan to come out
lets fix this by a selective color adjustment layer and input these values:

Whites: +100, -65, 0, +52

Perfect ~

and there you have it folks ^^
i really loved the coloring, had to make a tut
remember comments are LOVE ^^ and plz all comments here ~
and results are LOVE
watching, is also LOVE
Friending is also love << getting a bit greedy here

see ya later !

anime & manga: colouring

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