PS7 tutorial :D

Feb 11, 2005 18:07

I started with this picture of Trent Ford from somewhere in the archives of rightclicklick:


-- Crop the image and resized it to 100x100 pixels. (A wonderfully helpful trick is to hold down the shift key when selecting a section to crop; it constrains the proportions to a perfect square.)
-- Sharpened the image: Filter>>Sharpen>>Sharpen

-- Create a duplicate layer: Layer>>Duplicate Layer
-- In the layers control window, change Normal to Overlay
(I saved as at this point, extention .psd, because there's a lot of windows different window that get opened up and it's nice to have a saftey point)

Cropped Parts

-- Open back up the original picture
-- Crop a small section you want, resize if necessary (In this case 24x91 for his ear)
-- Sharpen: Filter>>Sharpen>>Sharpen

-- Create a new layer: Layer>>New Layer>>Layer or the Create a new layer icon
-- Fill Layer with #8C1414: Edit>>Fill>>Use: Foreground Color>>OK or paintbucket
-- Set layer from Normal to Exclusion

-- Create a New Layer
-- Make a white line border

----> Select the Single Row Marquee Tool. Click on either the bottom or top edge.
----> Color white: Edit>>Fill>>Use: White>>OK
----> Repeat for the opposite edge. Then select Single Column Marquee Tool and color the sides.
-- Set the layer Opacity to 81%

<--what your layers should look like
-- Create a New Layer
-- Hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to capture the visible layers on the new layer

-- Select the layer: Ctrl+A
-- Copy the layer: Ctrl+C or Edit>>Copy
-- Move back to your base image and paste selection as a new layer: Ctrl+V or Edit>>Paste
-- Move it around to where ever you want it :D

In this case, I repeated it twice more:

--- Cropped to 17x94
--- Fill and Exclusion with #1B1D3E


--- Cropped to 17x79
--- Fill and Exclusion with #394B32


This is specifically what I used and did.
-- "Pretty"
----> Create New Layer
----> Text Tool set #FFCCCC, Freestyle Script, 3.5 pt
----> Move around at will

-- "Boy"
----> Create New Layer
----> Text Tool set white, Arial, 3.5 pt
----> Moved-ness

-- the lines
----> Create New Layer
----> Select Single Row Marquee Tool
----> Fill white
-------> Repeat

Finishing Touches

-- Create New Layer
-- Move new layer between the top-most cropped layer and the bottom most text layer (click and drag to change layer order)
-- Make Foreground Color white and use brushes
by ohpaintbrush found here
--- How to install brushes can be found here, posted by teh_indy

by wednesday_icons found here
--- This brush is originally sized as 100 px. That was too big and distracting for the picture, so I downsized to 44 px and on low opacity Erased the bit covering some of the eyes' cropped piece.

-- Merge it into one pic: Layer>>Flatten Image and YOU'RE DONE!


This is my first tutorial; please comment with any questions about the tutorial or suggestions for making this a better tutorial. or even just to say you liked it :D
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