Okay so I need some help.
I have PS7 by the way.
I have been editing my pictures with the tutorials on here and I try them out and all my pictures are turning out way too dark.
I try to mess with them to get them to do what I want and it just looks unprofessional and not very good quality.
So what I am asking is if I could get anyhelp or tips or
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Comments 22
if you send me a couple of pics where you want to get a coloring like this maybe I could help you ;)
but here is one of my pictures
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Im a noob to photoshop still. so any help is good help. thank you very very much ^_^.
People like you make my life much easier lol.
Ill try it out and then get back to you later i have to go to work in 20 minutes. but thank you! =D
oh, and just doing the basic screen, and copy merged softlight layer with your skittle image you get this.
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This is awesome. thanks soooo much for the help! =D
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Anyway, instead of writing a tutorial, I found one for you. This is on an image fresh from your camera, before you've done anything else to it.
Scott Kelby knows his stuff!Often though, I have troubles when you get down to finding the midtones. (Around step 14 in the tut.) At that point, if I try a few times and don't get anything that makes me all warm and fuzzy, I leave off from the tutorial, add a saturation adjustment layer (usually around 10 to 20 depending on the image) and then a brightness/contrast adjustment layer (usually around 10 on Contrast and -5 to +5 on brightness, although brightness is often left on 0 for me ( ... )
found that in the tags, didn't read it, but browsing gave a good impression. it should help you understand how the curves work
I usually use only the RGB setting, seldom the other chanels. and all I do is usualy 3 dots; first and lowest draged down a bit, last and upper dragged up a bit and the middle depends on the picture but usually I drag it down too
hope that helped ^^
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