I made a post here at the community where I asked people to give their opinion regarding how quiet the icon community has become, and the reason why people seem to be leaving LJ. I also asked for suggestions on what we could do to make people more interested and engaged again. An icon maker friending meme was one of the
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Where do you live?: Italy
Is your personal journal friends-locked or public?: it is manly public :)
What do you write about in your personal journal (fandom, real life or both?): Both fandom (recs, news...) and RL
Which fandoms are you most active in: Merlin (75% of my entries *lol*), Fringe, Glee, Nikita, Lost, Legend of the Seeker, White Collar, Supernatural, The vampire slayer, Being Human, Misfits, Doctor Who, Spartacus, Harry Potter, The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family...
How long have you been making icons/graphics and where do you post them?: I moved pretty slowly from Paint>Photofiltre>Paint Pro Shop>Photoshop <3 in about 5/6 years maybe...in the end I got stuck with PS and glad of it :D I post my work over castlesandfire and my tumblr fuckbees :D
What do you like to make the most (icons, headers, resources, tutorials)?: I really love making icons, and eventually banners (500x500) :)
Who is you favorite graphic artist/icon maker/tutorial writer, who is your biggest inspiration? (you can post examples if you want): Oh my... there are so many! The ones I particularly look up to, or as to say my top 3, are lemonpunch, letsey_x, prettybutt :)
One thing you want any potential friend to know about you: I like to watch lots of tv shows... but eventually I end up talking about Merlin all the time XD
Anything else?:
ghhhh I don't have any pretty gif on this computer @,@
sorry :/
And you already know I love all your graphics as well as your fandoms, there's at least ten from your list I regularly watch/flail over.
And you already know I love all your graphics as well as your fandoms, there's at least ten from your list I regularly watch/flail over.
*HUGS* I love yours as much!!
Naww *many hugses back*
I love Merlin..really.. but lately it seems like I lost interest? TT________TT I need to re-watch the show. Bradley & Colin are so cute together.
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