I made a post here at the community where I asked people to give their opinion regarding how quiet the icon community has become, and the reason why people seem to be leaving LJ. I also asked for suggestions on what we could do to make people more interested and engaged again. An icon maker friending meme was one of the
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Where do you live?: Denmark
Is your personal journal friends-locked or public?: Public, unless it's a post contains something very very personal.
What do you write about in your personal journal (fandom, real life or both?) 99% fandom related rants with some personal rants once awhile. XD
Which fandoms are you most active in: Currently, Supernatural and Hawaii Five-0... with some Merlin too.
How long have you been making icons/graphics and where do you post them?: uhm..less than a year.. at my journal.
What do you like to make the most (icons, headers, resources, tutorials)?: icons and picspams... I haven't tried to make any tut before. o.O
Who is you favorite graphic artist/icon maker/tutorial writer, who is your biggest inspiration? (you can post examples if you want):
Most beloved graphic artist of all time: xtine005 and cato_neimoidia. I also love works from : icon_reich,mirrorskies and a lot more. XD Anything that looks pretty, I collect.
One thing you want any potential friend to know about you: I'm a huge fangirl and slash ( ... )
Anyway. Real reason for this comment: Please, PLEASE give writing tuts a go. Your coloring is so vibrant, I'm sure you could teach people a thing or two! :)
<3<3<3 I saw your post at your comm and came to check this out. :)
Me? Writing a tut? O.O If I don't mess up and getting lost while trying to explain how I work? Sure.. I suppose I can give it a go. I'm kinda messy in my graphic making. XD
Ah, me too, and I still managed to churn out a few tutorials. ;) I'm sure you can do it, too! ♥
I think I need to post : has short-term memory in Anything else. XD
But heh, I don't remember how I met half of the people on my flist. They're there now, and thats what matters. *gg*
btw.. if I'm making a tut. Which icon should I choose to use?
And, uh. So many to chose from! Either the one you use, this one, or any other H50 icon from that post, really. I LOVE the colors in that post. Or for the coloring of the picspam we're chatting on right now in another tab. *gg*
this.. this make me so happy. *g*
Episode 16 was one awesome episode. :3 If you like the coloring of that post, then it's cuz the show was pretty. <3 Mostly, I just crank up the colors of my icons lol.
I'll try make one as soon as I got more time to sort through my layers. XD
And, hey, I basically do the same. *gg* But the way we do taht differs for everyone, and that's what makes tuts so interesting, IMO.
YAY! I'm really looking forward to it!
Basically I love everything you make, we have a lot in common (99% of what you mentioned :D and especially Merlin, Glee, Supernatural and Doctor Who) and I follow your tumblr (i'm tumsa), love your icons and daily_h50 comm (I SOUND LIKE A STALKER :D), so I could just as well add you. Feel free not to add me back, because I write a lot about my private life (50/50 with fandom stuff) and I know lot of people are not interested in that.
Also, you must write some tutorials, your coloring for Hawaii Five-0 caps and icons are gorgeous. ♥
I'm following you on Tumblr too btw. I like your Merlin posts. In fact I just reblog one. I really like your coloring in this pict. <3<3<3
Thank you hon! I'll try to make one, as soon as I got some time. :)
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