The Assassin's Curse series by Cassandra Rose Clarke is SO MUCH FUN. Okay. Female protagonist who grew up in a PIRATE CLAN. She is set to be married to this guy she's only just met because pirate clans do arranged marriages. But she says SCREW THAT and runs away which causes GRAVE OFFENSE to the other pirate clan. So they hire an assassin to go after her. Only something goes wrong and she and the assassin end up bonded to one another. Cue the rest of the ensuing story. IT IS SO GREAT. I mean total guilty pleasure YA, but SO GREAT. There are also LESBIAN princesses and pirates, talking magical creatures, love spells, mind reading, AND A BUNCH OF OTHER REALLY GREAT STUFF. Man, I love this series so much.
Also recommending The Gentlemen Bastards series. You don't get the pirates until the second book, but I really love the whole series thus far. Locke Lamora and his band of thieves getting in heaps of trouble running scams and stealing from the rich. Lots of twists and turns, wonderful world building, and if you can hold out until the second book, the female characters get a lot more screen time. Also, as I said, the second book has LOTS of pirates including a really BAMF female captain and her female first mate. SO FANTASTIC.
Also, while we are here, in regards to the picture you linked, it made me think of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms which is the first book in The Inheritance Trilogy which is super awesome and involves a completely made up pantheon of gods and TONS of female protagonists and rituals and reincarnation and human/god interactions, and so many other really fantastic things. I really recommend it!
The Assassin's Curse series by Cassandra Rose Clarke is SO MUCH FUN. Okay. Female protagonist who grew up in a PIRATE CLAN. She is set to be married to this guy she's only just met because pirate clans do arranged marriages. But she says SCREW THAT and runs away which causes GRAVE OFFENSE to the other pirate clan. So they hire an assassin to go after her. Only something goes wrong and she and the assassin end up bonded to one another. Cue the rest of the ensuing story. IT IS SO GREAT. I mean total guilty pleasure YA, but SO GREAT. There are also LESBIAN princesses and pirates, talking magical creatures, love spells, mind reading, AND A BUNCH OF OTHER REALLY GREAT STUFF. Man, I love this series so much.
Also recommending The Gentlemen Bastards series. You don't get the pirates until the second book, but I really love the whole series thus far. Locke Lamora and his band of thieves getting in heaps of trouble running scams and stealing from the rich. Lots of twists and turns, wonderful world building, and if you can hold out until the second book, the female characters get a lot more screen time. Also, as I said, the second book has LOTS of pirates including a really BAMF female captain and her female first mate. SO FANTASTIC.
Also, while we are here, in regards to the picture you linked, it made me think of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms which is the first book in The Inheritance Trilogy which is super awesome and involves a completely made up pantheon of gods and TONS of female protagonists and rituals and reincarnation and human/god interactions, and so many other really fantastic things. I really recommend it!
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