May 19, 2013 21:46
Recently this quote has been on my mind, mostly due to work-related things. Coming back to the icon community it also caries a lot of meaning. In the past I've had several accounts and made icons under different names especially when coming out of an hiatus, because there are these expectations that come with being a relatively known maker and being able to start again with a clean slate and just make icons for the hell of it, is incredibly liberating.
(This lead me to think about why I like making icons. Like a lot of my hobbies it's something that is relatively simple to do, keeps me occupied and results in something pretty.)
Anyway, I guess this whole post is kind of sparked by the whole 'the icon community' is dying and all that... Should we be more brave and instead of talking about 'the old days', actually do something about it, remember what we liked about making icons and... make icons? IDK Any and all thoughts welcome.