Hi fellow icon makers, it's 4 four months into 2013, and so I thought I would do a sort of progress meme things as we had one similar last year plus it would be nice to get some conversation going in this comm. So explain your favourite icons & techniques you have made, managed and loved also your worse and your areas for improvement
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What are/is your 5-10 worse icons you have made so far in 2013?
What techniques/improvement have you have managed since 2012?
I'm not sure I've made many improvements yet? I've hardly iconned this year, so it's hard to tell :c I suppose I'm getting a little more comfortable with blending and close crops, but apart from that I feel like my icons are still all over the place and have no distinguished style, like they used to have.
If you could improve anything for the rest 0f 2013 what would it be?
as mentioned above, I wish my icons could have this sort of style that makes people think "hey, that's an icon by fouroux!" when they see it.
Anything Else to add?
I really really do. I don't even think that my muse is gone, it's just that I don't have the time, and that's a real pity... there are so many cool challenges I want(ed) to take part in, but ugh. workworkwork.
And your third favorite icon? Still the best thing, I swear.
glad there is still something there that makes people recognize me :) ♥
thanks! it holds even more meaning to me now that spartacus is over...
I was also stumped with the improvements done question, I haven't been able to icon as much as I'd like to this year, and when I do it's usually just trying to beat the deadline for battles lol. So haven't really been experimenting yet!
Here's to the both of us getting some time to icon more :)
ha, looks like we're in the exact same spot. good luck to you too!
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