Title: Love Love I Love You
Artists: Kiri Shijima (as I'm just going to scanlate the first part only / Dictionary for Adults)
Circle: Valiant
Pairing/Fandom: TezukaRyoma/Prince of Tennis
Rating: NC-17 *yummy*
*cough* Okay, this time I come bearing something which is new (for me) as I've never ever done this before. Thus, please bear the crappiness. No flame please >__<
This project was supposed to be a birthday gift for a special friend of mine. She had scanned this doujinshi for me hence in return I'd be more than glad to scanlate it. However, being a usuratonkachi I am; I forgot -er- to ask not only windy-neechan permission but also aiko-chan for her translation.
Just hope that those two won't finish me off before I'm done with this project ^^;; The scanlation and editing process was done by me using PS 7 and PSP 9. As I'm still practising with those two, hopefully the results won't turn up too dissappointing =\
Enough talking. Enjoy ~
may_neuma -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BACK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And the fun continues... next week *ducks* Sorry, originally I was going to post 10 pages but page ten was giving me such a hard time on cleaning. I'll be putting another five next weekend. There're twenty pages in total hence it will take a month (hopefully) for the entire first part.
I'll be putting the download link with PNG file aka better quality on the last post. Please be patient ne :)
xposted at
may_neuma, and