I have a new affiliate!
my__kryptonite! Go check out their graphics, they're amazing!
Icon Make Icons is going to be a website! This place will definately stay open, and give you a look into things that won't be on the website too.
http://www.geocities.com/lyokofansThis is the filler banner I'm using while I work on the site and have the "coming soon" page up in front.
Kid With a Comic Forums (KWAC)KWAC is a great forum/community for fans of all fandoms. Comics and Cartoons/Anime are highly accepted around there. So, if you're a fan of Spider-Man, Avatar, X-Men, Teen Titans, comics, or just about anything, come on and join!
Here's the logo I made for them, the owner
queenofspades is a big Robin fan, so I thought it only fitting!
And last, but not least, at
The X-Men Mutant Academy I was getting tired of my old icon, so I made a new one!
Yes, sorry about all the advertising, but really, they're all fabulous places!
For credit links, I refer you to
The Resource List