Week 44: Icon Pairs

May 09, 2006 11:14

Guess who fell asleep before she could post her theme? xD;

Theme: Icon Pairs
You are to submit a pair of icons for this challenge that relate to each other in some way. (ex. Light and Dark, Girl and Boy, Same Colors, etc).

[] You may submit two PAIRS for this challenge. As it is, I'm giving you two weeks to complete this challenge due to FINALSAGHH!!~! the increased amount of icons you are to submit.
[] Icons must fit LJ userpic requirements (100x100, 40K or less, .jpg/.png/.gif).
[] Please include your icons and their URLs when submitting.
[] LJ userpics is NOT an acceptable form of hosting.
[] Do not advertise your icon in any way prior to the completion of the contest.
[] Icons are due to this screened post by Monday, May 22nd, @ 10:00 PM EST.

Submission Example

Extra: Relena and Heero from Gundam Wing

Please don't forget to vote for the Kids theme here.
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