One of the bands I follow posted an update on FB last night announcing their arrival in West Des Moines, to which one fb fan replied "Who lives in Iowa?". Which somewhat sums up my initial thoughts about returning to Iowa for work. While I was looking for work I'd been really desperate to get out of the Midwest. Partially, I'm tethered to an undefined fear of living out the rest of my life in the Midwest without having ventured out into the east or west coasts. Not that I can't visit or haven't visited some of those areas, which I suppose is more than some people can say, but I'd like to have the opportunity to live in an entirely different area of the country. It doesn't have to be Wuhan, China different, but a little different and perhaps a little bit warmer of a climate would be nice. Alas, I myself in Iowa, to which I can rebuke that FB poster with a resounding I live in Iowa. And as it stands I reside in Cornell College owned housing in Mount Vernon, not exactly a hotbed of activity. Iowa City is a about a 20-25 minute drive down the highway, which isn't bad (even in the winter, says my coworker Greg, who seems to have a delightfully positive spin on everything), so I'm hoping to move back to my alma mater next year or asap. That's not to condescend to the town or people of Mt. Vernon, who are perfectly lovely. But as a young single guy, I need more to do at night. While I can be a solitary person, I don't like the idea of 9-5 work and then coming home to watch TV, go to bed. At least in Iowa City, I can go out and sit in a coffee shop or wander around the book stores. It makes me feel much less stir crazy. But for now I'm pretty content with my job, where I work and my surroundings. I actually really enjoy working in a smaller college atmosphere which allows me more opportunity to impact the school, the students, and take all-around general ownership of my work.
On Sunday, I invited my parents up to Iowa City for a concert as part of my mom's BDay gift. We saw the Wailin Jennys at the Englert. My mom loved the concert, so score one for me not buying her a dull gift this year.
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Oh yeah, since I've got too much time on my hands I signed up for National Writing Month in November and have begun meeting up with a group of writers in Iowa City. And by writers..I mean hardcore sci-fi fiction authors. Seriously, at the first meeting, I think they spent the majority of the time talking about Dr. Who and Harry Potter. So my kind of people, except that I don't watch Dr. Who, but you know what I mean.
This coming Saturday is my birthday so I'm planning to celebrate by attending the Firefly/Serenity tribute concert in Iowa City, again at the Englert. Should be fun times for all.