Post-Prop 8 Video Roundup : Ridiculous to Sublime

May 30, 2009 13:11

I actually have some fairly crunchy thoughts about proposition 8 in the context of anarcho-socialist philosophy and various models of direct democracy that I'll write about, if I actually find time. (In the next two weeks, though, that looks decidedly unlikely, and the short version is "California, I still think your referendum system is deeply fucked up.")

In the meantime, though, I present YouTube videos.


The Courage Campaign for marriage equality is running these one-minute ads in California, now. I saw it via writer_grrrrl over Twitter, and have probably watched it five or ten times now. It still makes me cry.

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Garfunkel & Oates, on the other hand, have responded to Pat Robertson's infamous comment that gay marriage would lead to sex with ducks with a nice little pop song about their unnatural lusts for waterfowl.

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unnatural acts with waterfowl, teh gay, 2.0 ain't nothing but a number

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