The Sea Turtle pet quest on Habitica finally dropped. That's about 1.5 years of work for me. Finally

Jul 13, 2016 00:14

I'm full of so much happiness and pride. Weirdly I sort of feel like Max Landis and other people who are successful and legitimate and have Made It. It's a good feeling. I did good work and I'm proud of it.

Some Twitter stuff I'm putting here so I'll see it in the future when I'm in a spot of depression and demotivation and self-consciousness again. . . and I know it will happen, and I know in the past my LiveJournal has always been a good way to see my past triumphs, and so I'll likely come here to seek some solace and advice from my younger self. So, Older Me, here is some of it. I hope you're doing okay, I hope you're happy or at least that you're doing well, I hope your problems aren't too bad and if they are then that's okay too, I'm here for you, and you can get through this.

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