Jul 07, 2016 00:17
On Sunday I dressed up for the wedding right away, we went to Sushiland with Alyssa and Raymond, we got a wicked good spot at Pike's Place for the two minutes I went to Golden Age, and had a kickass time at the wedding where I made a bunch of friends and one dude chatted me up and now my parents seem to think I should date him.
On July 4 Monday we went to pick blueberries at the farm, it was peaceful and beautiful. My shoes got totally soaked. At lunch at a great place called Dough Zone. Then we went back to auntie's house and my parents and I knocked out for a few hours (my mom got sick, dad was accompanying her, I was plain lazy) and then we had a nice July 4th family dinner and my cousins and I watched Mary Poppins upstairs.
On Tuesday we drove to Spokane and I finished Zero Time Dilemma and IT WAS AMAZING. Along the drive the Toyland scary shop was involved at some point. We stopped at a really beautiful 90's looking mall and had some bad "Asian" food, and some very good Ben & Jerry's ice cream. And stopped by a Wal-Mart, which is more fun than it should have been. Then we stayed at one of my dad's work sheds. It was abysmal to think of but was actually quite cozy once everything was set up... I'll never tell my dad that though, because the living standard is barely acceptable.
On Wednesday we went to Uncle Kelly's house and I talked to Auntie Michie's stepmother for a long time. Well, she talked to me anyway, and told me a lot of stuff about her life and her friends. It was pretty nice. I met one of their cats, a gorgeous grey who is huge compared to my cat. Then we went to Ferdinand's at WSU, since it's my dad's favourite ice cream place in the entire world. We each got a huge waffle cone and my dad got TWO. We went back for a bit so my dad could load up some equipment, and I talked to a girl named Jessica and her adorable Australian Shepherd named Sadie for what must have been an hour. Ice cream sandwiches were passed around. I basically had nothing but ice cream and mcdonald's most of the day. Then we started driving back to Lynnwood. We got stuck at some point in the road, but it was nice to get some fresh air. We had dinner at a random Wonton place my mom spotted while driving and MAN was I hungry!! It was delicious!! Now I'm at Grandma's for the night.