This was written for my English class, to the prompt: "Write a 1-2 page letter from the future, from the point of view of a major character from one of the following stories [...]".
This was based loosely on a short story entitled The Screamer by Wanda Coleman, which I picked because I absolutely hated how whiny the main character was. I know I'm petty. *sigh*
I hope you can decipher it enjoy it.
A Leddur, A Leter, and More Leddurs.
Deer Moma
I rite this leddur to you from the sitty. I no you tol me the sitty is a bad plase to go but i want to get to a good plase and lern a good egukashon edoocashun E D U C A S I O N. I got this good job becass i got this frend in the sitty he tol me if i work heer for sam yeers i will hav enuf money to have College when i grouh up.
Your always teling me that if i hav a blak bakgraond then the only jobs i can get are bad jobs that peepo treet you bad in but thats not troo. This bos i got he havunt giv me my money yet but he will soon becass wenn i ask him he alwas promiss he will. I hav a very jenruss genuros G E N E R O U S bos and hes very nise too.
If i keep working this job for more yeers i will be Smart like my frend and maybee wen you rite a leddur later i can bee the won too help you spell it. The life in the sitty is reely
Dear Miz Hamsson,
Im sending you the leter Write by your son I am his freind he mensioned. Some days ago your son got called by the Boss and he walked away with-out finishing his leter and naow none of us now were he is. I went to his work today and I talk to the Boss but he say he dont now. Sinse he always talk about you a lot and he Love you a lot and your his Moma I want to ask if he come back home to you or if you now were he gone becass us freind we dont now. Thank You For your Help.
Sinserrly Buddy (your sons freind)
Deer Moma
I send you the last leddur too fast and didnt annder stand. But my frend he help me spell he sed he send my odur leddur too you and he ask for help and he sed like i wus mising but naow im not. See there wus a job anuther wun and it pay a lot of money and lots of peepo want to do it but mister sims he hire me on the spot. I went to do the job but a lot of peepo werr there and they had bats and stiks and they beet me all angree so i got hurt and i wanted to go home, but then after i rit the leddur to you mister sims he kum in and giv me all my money, he giv me fifty dalurs. He say if i he get bigur jobs he teke on a helper and if i want to be his helper he gona giv me even moor than fifty dalurs nekst neckst neKCst N E KK ST taym.
I now you will get angree wenn you reed ubaoot me geting hurt and furst I got angree too but im a strong boy and i can take it and it will onglee mayk me tuffer. Your a good Moma and i will awass bee your baybee but i can doo this and i will get money and get Smart and then we can liv a happy life were evry body has blak skin lik us and its O K. ill Ill ILL iLL I will do you good Moma.
With Lots Of Love Awass Your Loving Son.