Sep 25, 2010 23:41

CLIVE YOU ARE EXTREMELY MAJORLY HOT, and I want you to be a good person, but why in the world does everyone let you get away with everything?!

You're not entirely evil or crazy or anything, but you definitely have a few screws loose, and you built this giant robot thing and CRUSHED THOUSANDS OF HOUSES with it, lit houses which means that there were people inside them at the time! Also you blew up a gigantic hole in the middle of Central London, and kidnapped and attempted to kill the Prime Minister! You kept thousands of people away from their homes and even more of them from their families! I mean, I'm sure in the long run everyone will benefit from it, especially since you apparently built your own entire train station inside your New London, but all your buildings and machinery cannot be healthy at all in a gazillion ways, and you attempted to destroy the entirety of a city which houses thousands and possibly millions of people. I'm sure I'm forgetting something somewhere!!

I do feel sorry for you, and that scene where you scream out at the sky in denial and almost die makes me wanna cry, but like, seriously. . . you're getting off with like, a slap on the wrist, and Professor Layton even defended you. Shouldn't there be higher consequences for all the crazy shit you've done?! Nathanial got blown up for less!

. . . . . But other than that, goddamn you're hot. *sigh*

As for the other aspects of the game, they were of course just completely epic, and I might even go so far as to say it even tops the first two games combined, especially since the end for the second game was a bit of a cop-out. This one makes sense from beginning to end, but also manages to hide stuff well! A lot of fridge brilliance all around.

Layton and Claire's farewell scene was nearly the saddest thing ever. ;_; And Layton and Luke's good-bye scene, too. . . Ohh, Luke, you poor, adorable thing!

And once again, there's not even a real bad guy in the entire story; everything is a circumstance of people being just a little bit bad, but none fundamentally evil. People have layers. And the blame for anything bad never lies solely within one person. One of the things I really like about the stories of these games. . .

Okay, I think I'm all ranted-out now about the ending. xD;;; EPIC. EPIC. EPIC EPIC EPIIIIIIIC *foam at the mouth*


Trust me on this one, you do not want to spoil this game for yourself if you haven't played it yet and plan to. Don't even take the chance.

game, professor layton, zomfg amazing

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