Title: The Day Off
ickysheepPairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: G
Summary: Chuck and Casey on a day off...
Warning: Established relationship (isn't really a warning...)
Words: 183
Disclaimer: I don't own nothing, unfortunately...
merry_gentry Author's Note: My first fic so don't expect much :) comments and critics are loved!
It was a quiet, BuyMore-free Saturday afternoon and Casey was relaxing as he worked his way through the pile of old folders in the castle when the door opened and Chuck bounced in - impatient and squirrelly, as usual. He sat down across the table from Casey and stared at him - Casey just raised an eyebrow in question.
“I’m bored…” (Casey growled at that - all Casey-like)
“I thought we could go out - have some fun,” Chuck declared, but Casey just gazed at him suspiciously. He knew perfectly well that ‘having some fun’ in Chuck’s world usually included nerdy computer games and bearded dwarfs, possibly talking about sandwiches.
“You know,” Chuck continued, not at all bothered by the look Casey gave him, “there is a display you might like…”
Casey sighed, he could never resist those big, brown puppy-dog eyes begging for approval - and Chuck totally knew that.
And as he was dragged through the gate to the ‘World’s Greatest Bonsai Exhibition’ by Chuck’s grip on his arm, Casey realized for the first time that he truly loved the nerdy pain-in-the-ass called Chuck.