what sort of icons would you like to see more often here @
ickyblue? any particular effects? any suggestions you have, please leave a comment in this post. please note that these are suggestions, not icon requests. if you tell me "you should make more kenshin icons!", i'll take your suggestion into account, but i'm not obligated to make you a kenshin icon. my life is just too busy to take individual requests, i'm sorry. there are plenty of icon-makers out there that would love to help you if you need a particular icon.
also, are you an icon-maker and would love to know how i made a certain effect? leave a comment in this post, stating which icon it was, and from which of my posts, and i'll try my best, if and when i get some free time, to make up a tutorial for everyone to see. it is crucial that you ask, though, because i only make tutorials if someone asks me to. i don't do it out of my own volition-- my icons are not THAT great yet that i'd promote them that way. so please, don't hesitate to ask, i'll be glad to help.