Glass Mask 44 scans

Feb 01, 2010 01:36

So....Stage Storm has dropped Glass Mask and formed a new scantranslation group. They were very secretive about the project, only posting to a closed forum that you could access after something like 20 posts. This caused drama due to disgruntled newbies to the board, but the measures were deemed neccesary because Manasync had dropped it due to recieving a cease and desist letter from the publisher. They had scantranslated up to volume 31, leaving fans hanging.

I found volume 44 in chinese, so I broke down and bought it. I don't know how to read it, but the pictures sated some of my glass mask thirst.

I pretty much scanned tsukikage testing Maya and Ayumi...

So the setup is that Ayumi and Maya are competing for the same part. Tsukikage watches Maya rehearse and has someone pour a glass of water for her.

Maya takes the character, shocking everyone, except tsukikage, of course.

She goes to Ayumi's rehearsal and does the same thing, offering her a glass of water. Ayumi politely takes it, but as herself. Tsukikage mentally notes this and leaves, confusing Ayumi.

Ayumi chases down a man who had been present at Maya's rehearsal and tells Ayumi what happened then. Ayumi is shocked at her apparent defeat.

comments Suzui Miuchi's style has changed a lot from what I've seen from volume 31, but there's still a bit of a "classic shoujo" look to the art. Notice how in the first scan, Maya's eyes are blank.

In this volume, Ayumi's troubles don't end there, and it looks like she has some serouls troubles that can end her career as an actress. I hope that it doesn't get worse, since I want them to be able to compete on even ground. I still can't believe this series will end soon.

The panels are strong and I can understand what's going on although I cannot understand the text at all.

I've bought these two volumes in japanese, so as I study I will be able to understand them a bit better.

Found some bunko versions at Kinokinuya books! Looks like I have a new bookstore addiction!

scans, manga

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