creepy or sweet?

Jan 03, 2006 09:02

i'm not usually one to believe in ghosts and demons, even though the idea of these things has always intrigued me. i think that having some sort of rational explanation for those types of beings or occurrences is always a comforting thing...because the unexplained is, well, a bit scary.

lastnight, i was awakened to the sounds of a music box in my room, one which i haven't touched in years, in an area of my room i didn't even go near yesterday. but it wasn't just any regular tune. it was just one note, every ten seconds or so. this continued for about two minutes or so...2 or 3 or 4 notes, sort of randomly chiming. it was the creepiest thing ever!!

so i called ronald on my cellphone. and every time i held the cellphone up to the music box, the cellphone automatically hung up. i'm not kidding. i tried it with 2 different cellphones, and he never got a chance to hear it. and when i turned on the lights, it stopped for a good while. i thought it might be done. so, to test it, i went to get the land line from another room...and upon returning to the room, the single notes started playing again. all i could think was, 'THIS IS CRAZY!!!!'

so then i knew, whatever was playing this trick on me- didn't want anyone else to hear it. and i couldn't figure out what this thing wanted. so i decided to open up the music box and look through it, thinking there might be something inside that i'm supposed to find. nothing but cheap, junky jewelry from when i was little. so i took out the little wind-up crank piece that makes it work.....and it continued to play its little notes without it.

so by this time, my throat is all tight and my heart is in my chest....and after asking whatever it was that was fucking with me to stop, i just decided i was going to take it out of my room.

this morning, i told my mom about it. it turns out she's had the music box since she was a little girl...she even said we could get rid of it if it would make me feel better. but i still didn't think it was the box itself. something else was trying to mess with my head.

so i went back to bed as she left to work, but later gave me a call just to check on me. she reminded me that something spooky like this had happened while i was living in burbank. and just then i asked her, "mom, did anyone or anything die on this day? what about any of our animals? when did chelsea(my old maltese) die?" so my mom looked up chelsea's vet records.

two years ago, Chelsea died on January 2nd.
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