How happy am i??? VERY!! Went to michaela's last night :-) n managed to be the only one drunk...not gud..altho michaela was she jst disguised it well! Ooooo and we had loads of chinese...but i think Ben ate sum later on...so there shudnt b too much left!
Off out again tonight with
scotty_laura and co.! Celebrating her b.day even tho that was aaaaages ago...any excuse hey :-p I swear im turning into an alky! It aint even funny...exams are cuming up! Need to stop drinkin n start workin! But tonight is the last time im gona go out for a while i decided! Must b strict with self!!!!
Owt else to tel ya?? Lets see...erm NO! I lead a dull life sorry!!! Gona go read P&P as part of english revision...impressive!!! Seen as no-one is awake yet!!! N here i am hyper...ok rambling gona shut up!
Hav fun ppl!
Bye Bye xxXxxXxx