Draco Malfoy and the Union of Souls (Ch. 9)

Jun 05, 2005 00:03

[Title] Draco Malfoy and the Union of Souls
[Author] ickle_huffie
[Beta] herbie_weasley
[Rating] R
[Pairing] Harry/Draco (Mentions of Ron/Hermione and Blaise/Pansy)
[Warnings] Slash, language, and sexual content
[Summary] Draco keeps thinking about Harry Potter, and can’t figure out why. When he finds out he’s a veela, suddenly it all comes clear. Set 6th year after OotP.

Note: I’d like to clarify some things.

1) Harry’s eyesight is by no means perfect. While the veela bond improved it, he still needs glasses to see perfectly.

2) I know under normal circumstances witnesses/suspects would be interrogated in separate rooms, but hey…this is my world, so they’re interrogated at the same time. Deal with it. :D

Otherwise, enjoy!

X-posted in a few places. Sorry about that.

Although we both would’ve preferred that Harry stay with me in my rooms, we realized that wouldn’t be very smart. A lot of people looked down on homosexual relationship, and despite the fact that we wanted people to know we were a couple, we didn’t want to bring ridicule on ourselves, so Harry moved back to Gryffindor Tower. He left a few sets of clothes in my closet “just in case,” but otherwise, aside from his scent on my sheets, he was gone.

The day he left I received an owl at breakfast.

Mr. Malfoy:

It has come to our attention that your father, one Lucius Malfoy, has escaped from Azkaban Prison. If you do not mind, we would appreciate your coming down to the Ministry to answer a few questions. Your mother has received a similar summons; perhaps you could both come at once, and make our job easier.

Amelia Bones
Department of Magical Law Enforcement

I shrugged slightly and re-folded the letter, putting it aside. I would write to mother and see what she thought of this. We’d get our story straight before we faced the authorities.

The few more days of the holiday I spent with Harry; we wasted time taking walks, watching the squid, and sharing banter about upcoming Quidditch matches. Sometimes we’d just sit inside together and talk until there was nothing left to say.

Finally the holidays were over, and everyone else came back to Hogwarts, ending our peace.

The first day that everyone was back, I got up and wandered, half-asleep, to my closet, pulling out a uniform without thought. I took a shower, dried off, and got dressed, again without thought. I went down to breakfast, wondering why I was getting so many strange looks.

I sat down in my usual seat, noticing I was getting funny looks from my friends as well. “You look…well, Draco,” said Blaise.

“Thank you,” I replied with a smile, serving myself some breakfast.

“And so…happy,” remarked Pansy. I just smiled at her around a mouthful of eggs.

They stared at me for a while, and then Blaise started to laugh. “Nice tie,” he said, grinning. “What’d you do, lose a bet?” Now Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle were all laughing as well.

I looked down slowly and realized that I was wearing Harry’s tie. Bollocks, I thought, closing my hand around the knot of the tie. Then I realized they’d just handed me an excuse on a silver platter. I hadn’t told them about Harry and me after all, so maybe I could keep them in the dark a little longer…I blushed. “Yeah…lost to Potter.”

“What was the bet?”

I thought fast. “We played a bit of Quidditch and we had this bet that whoever didn’t catch the snitch had to wear the other’s tie first day back.” My heart was in my throat; would they but it?

More laughter. “Guess Gryffindor’s going to whoop us this year, then,” said Blaise through a grin.

I sighed in relief. That was close.

We joked about it over breakfast and then went to class. At lunch I went by the owlery and wrote a letter to my mother, enclosing the one I’d received that morning.

Dear mother,

I trust you received a similar summons. Might I ask what we are to do about the matter? It appears to be of the utmost importance that we make an appearance at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Please write me back as soon as you can.


I sealed the letter and sent it off and received her reply just as I was getting ready to abandon my studies in favor of dinner.

Dear Draco,

I’ve sent a letter to the Headmaster, and he has excused you from classes tomorrow. He has requested a meeting with the two of u, and assures me that he will take care of the Dept. of M.L.E.

Meet me outside the Great Hall after breakfast and we’ll tackle this whole issue about your father.


I put the letter in a drawer of my desk and went to dinner, preoccupied with the prospect of clearing my name of suspicion-at least as far as my father’s escape went.

The problem nagged at me through the rest of the day, tying knots in my stomach and preventing me from getting any sleep.

I tossed and turned for hours until I heard a floorboard creak; I sat bolt upright and aimed my wand (which I had grabbed quickly) in that direction, saying “Expell-”

It was Harry.

I lowered my wand and set it back down on the bedside table, wondering what he was doing here. “We could get caught,” I hissed as he slid into bed next to me, but I put my arms around him nonetheless.

“I know,” he said softly, running a hand through my hair fondly. “I could tell that you couldn’t sleep.”

I frowned. “How does that work?”

“I think it’s something about the bond…I know that you can feel what I’m feeling, and manipulate it, even…I guess Christmas made that stronger and sort of…reversed it, to an extent, because when I went to bed I knew you were unhappy, and I couldn’t sleep, either.” He kissed my temple. “You kept me up, Draco,” he said with a wink, letting the suggestiveness of the comment sink in.

“I could keep you up another way, if you’d rather,” I replied with a grin, and Harry blushed, hiding his face in my shoulder, snuggling up against me. We found comfort in one another, and soon enough we were both asleep.

In the wee hours of the morning, Harry slipped back up to the dormitory with his invisibility cloak, (how he’d gotten down to the dungeons in the first place) leaving me to my thoughts once again. I knew that mother and myself were under heavy suspicion, and since I couldn’t get back to sleep without my living teddy bear, I went to my desk and began to write out plans to draw away the eye of the Ministry from my family. The work was hard, tedious, and tiring; it seemed that in no time at all the sun had arisen and it was time for breakfast.

I showered and dressed-carefully this time-with my mind still brimming with ideas that I hadn’t the time to write down. Thus, my breakfast was a hurried affair; I wanted to get these things down on paper before I forgot them, and since I’d been excused from classes that day I got my wish, finding just enough time to nip back to my quarters to scribble down my thoughts before returning to meet my mother, who as usual fussed over my appearance and asked quietly about Harry.

On the way up to Dumbledore’s office I explained the situation with Harry and myself. She answered me by saying she was proud of me, and inside we went.

The Headmaster, as usual, was sitting behind his desk, his blue eyes twinkling at us. “Draco, Mrs. Malfoy-please, have a seat,” he said, waving a hand at the chairs in front of his desk. As we sat, Amelia Bones made her appearance, sitting where she could survey the whole room easily.

“You both know why you are here,” she said, and we nodded. “Good. Shall we begin?” She smiled at us and removed a dicto-quill and parchment. “Now. Mrs. Malfoy. When was the last time you saw your husband?”

“Nearly a year ago.”

“What did he say to you when he left?”

I looked over at mother-she was wringing her hands in her lap and biting her lip. “He said he was going out, business as usual.”

“Did you know what this…business…would be?”

“No, only that I shouldn’t expect him back for some time, a few days perhaps.”

Ms. Bones nodded. “Have you communicated with your husband since then?” Mother took a deep breath.

“He owled me once right after he was arrested to tell me to take care of Draco and our money.”

“Was that the last you heard from him?”

I reached over and took one of her hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled faintly at me and shook her head. “I got another letter a few days ago.”

“And what did it say?”

“That he was safe and that I shouldn’t worry. And he said to not try and contact him.”

“Any idea why?”

She looked coldly at her interrogator. “If you were on the run from the law, would you want people sending you owls?” she asked, her tone steely. I couldn’t help but smirk a bit.

“Yes…well. If you could send us those messages, we would appreciate it,” was her answer after a long pause.

“I’ll do that, Ms. Bones.”

“See that you do, Mrs. Malfoy,” she replied, putting her things away. “We’ll contact you if we have any further questions. For now what you gave us should satisfy.”

“Thank you,” mother replied, and again I gave her hand a squeeze. Amelia Bones left, and I was about to stand up and leave when Dumbledore cleared his throat.

I nearly moaned and looked over at him. “Yes?”

“We could take advantage of your unique connections, Draco,” he said. I frowned. This wasn’t going to be good. “Are you aware that your godfather Severus is in league with the light?”

I arched an eyebrow. Severus working for Dumbledore? But I’d always thought he was a Death Eater like father… “No, I can’t say I knew that.”

“He is a spy on behalf of the Order of the Phoenix, a group that has pledged to eradicate the threat of Voldemort.” I cringed. Father had always called him the Dark Lord, and although he wanted me to follow in his footsteps I was secretly afraid of dark magic and especially the Dark Lord. But still the old sod continued. “I would be honored if you would join us. After all, Harry is an integral part.” His eyes glittered knowingly at me.

I glared at him. Damn you. Mentioning Harry was a cheap trick. Now I can’t say no. “Thank you, Headmaster. I am glad to accept your offer.”

He smiled, still goddamn twinkling at me. “Wonderful. I will see to it that the case against you and your…dear mother is not put into the wrong hands. Also, I will have Severus fill you in. You may both go.”

“Thank you, sir,” I replied, standing and going to the door, opening it for my mother. She exited first, and I nodded once at Dumbledore before I followed her out. On the stairwell she brushed my hair out of my face.

“Order of the Phoenix…be careful, Draco. And watch out for poor Harry.”

“I will, mother.”

“And make sure you brush your teeth and hair.”

“I always do.”

“Study hard.”

“Yes, mother.”

“Eat right and exercise.”

“Ye~es,” I replied, starting to get embarrassed by her list of things.

“Don’t forget to write.”

“I promise.”

“Oh, and don’t forget to warn Harry when your peaks are coming.”

“Mum!” I exclaimed, my cheeks burning.

“What? Oh….” She laughed and brushed my hair out of my face yet again. It liked to fall in front of my eyes. “Alright, alright. Take care.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

With that she made her way down the hall, and I stood still, watching her go, still amazed that she’d said that. When I couldn’t see her any more I shook my head slowly. “Order of the Phoenix,” I repeated to myself. It seemed that things were about to get more exciting.

[Other Chapters] One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven
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