Feb 12, 2007 21:10
well you can tell that this evening adam is busy but i'm not AND my living room is busy - i've actually been pushed to the point of writing on this again!
I could tidy my room, but that would be too sensible for my liking this evening.
well it's MUGSS show week and that means i have had/have a few evenings to kill. i'm not really involved this year as work commitments got in the way, and not being involved - whilst fine up til now - feels weird.
i made brownies for the get-in and helped make the bacon sandwiches but didn't actually go to the get-in nor eat any bacon sandwiches!
i shall not be attending any post-show socials (probably) and these were the only socials i ever went to really. i shall not be sharing in show banter/gossip nor will i see people fall apart as happens most show weeks.
i shall not get to wear a fun costume, nor will i feel terribly embarrassed at the distinct lack of fabric in costume!
but mainly it means i have a lot of empty free time this week.
and then i'm away next week - great timing that!
i had a nightmare last night - well it kept me awake for a while.
it was that adam, for some unknown reason, decided to run for mugss chair again and didn't tell me (nor let others tell me) til after the AGM where he got elected! i threw quite a strop after that!
it was not a fun dream.
hmmm what else
o yes work
i'm going down to london for 3 days of work shadowing tomorrow - i've been placed in the publishing department of the Schools and Youth team. this was my 3rd choice!
we will also be having a day of cv&interview skills, plus a meeting to discuss the future of the gap scheme and youth work in Christian Aid.
i must reply to abi.
well i'll leave it there for now i think
unexpected free time